Kod źródłowy:
/* Download from Lazy Admin Blog */ /* Blog URL: https://lazyadminblog.blogspot.com */ /* Mail: lazychannelandblog@gmail.com */ /* YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8DB_NVekpEIuG-SAvpXOWQ */ /* GitHub: https://github.com/LazyAdminBlog */ int BLUETOOTH_SERIAL_INPUT; /* Variable to save input data from bluetooth module */ void setup() { Serial1.begin(9600); /* Begin serial port (bluetooth port). Set the data rate in bits (9600 bits per second (baud). */ Serial1.println("Bluetooth X-Bee comunication test sucessful."); /* Write to serial port (bluetooth) control text. */ } void loop() { if(Serial1.available() >= 0) /* Check available of serial port (bluetooth) and chack which number was input (if >= go to next step). */ { BLUETOOTH_SERIAL_INPUT = Serial1.read(); /* Read data from serial port (bluetooth) and save to BLUETOOTH_SERIAL_INPUT variable */ } switch(BLUETOOTH_SERIAL_INPUT) /* Switch case instruction to control robot */ { case '1': Serial1.println("First test pass."); /* Write text: "First test pass." if read "1" from serial port (bluetooth). */ break; case '2': Serial1.println("Second test pass."); /* Write text: "Second test pass." if read "2" from serial port (bluetooth). */ break; default: break; } }
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