Schemat podłączenia ulradźwiękowego czujnika odległości HC-SR04:
Kod źródłowy:
/* Download from Lazy Admin Blog */ /* Blog URL: */ /* Mail: */ /* YouTube: */ /* GitHub: */ #define ULTRASONIC_TRIG_PIN 11 /* Define witch pin will be HC-SR04 TRIG */ #define ULTRASONIC_ECHO_PIN 12 /* Define witch pin will be HC-SR04 ECHO */ int read_distance() { long duration, distance; /* Declarete duratuion and distance variable long type */ digitalWrite(ULTRASONIC_TRIG_PIN, LOW); /* Chance TRIG pin state to LOW */ delayMicroseconds(2); /* Wait 2 miliseconds */ digitalWrite(ULTRASONIC_TRIG_PIN, HIGH); /* Chance TRIG pin state to HIGH */ delayMicroseconds(10); /* Wait 10 miliseconds */ digitalWrite(ULTRASONIC_TRIG_PIN, LOW); /* Chance TRIG pin state to LOW */ duration = pulseIn(ULTRASONIC_ECHO_PIN, HIGH); /* pulseln() on ECHO pin to HIGH */ distance = (duration/2) / 29.1; /* distaince calculation */ if (distance >= 200 || distance <= 0) /* If read value is >=200 or >=0 */ { return 999; /* Function return 999 it's error (out of range) */ } else { return distance; /* Function return correct distaince */ } } void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); /* Initial serial port (COM) for arduino with 9600 bits per second speed */ pinMode(ULTRASONIC_TRIG_PIN, OUTPUT); /* Set TRIG pin as output*/ pinMode(ULTRASONIC_ECHO_PIN, INPUT); /* Set ECHO pin as input*/ } void loop() { Serial.println(read_distance()); /* Print for serial result of function read_distance() */ delay(500); /* Wait 0.5 second */ }
Opis funkcji pulseIn():
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